2020 has somehow slipped away in the busyness that we will all attribute to this crazy year of ministry. We would have never purposely started our evangelistic team in the midst of a pandemic, but God desired it to be so, and we only had need to follow.
We like you are gearing up for the holidays! We have several churches that have asked us to perform a portion of This Is Christ, as their choirs are still unable to sing. And though this is not what we had in mind when writing the musical, we continue to trust that God will use it in His timing and plan. We are also sad, and yet exited, to announce that Tyler and Kathryn have started work in a local church. If you remember reading Tyler's blog, you could not miss his heart and passion for the local church. And those these are uncertain waters we all tread, God graciously led them to leave His Song and begin working with a people God has prepared for them. We do ask that you pray for them as they are homesick and missing traveling with us. We have a currently open year for 2021. Pastors are nervous to plan for the upcoming year, and we understand. We do ask that you keep us in mind though for your special services and events. We can also accommodate your church virtually if you are unable to have us in person. Remember, we can do ladies' meetings, teen meetings, singing and preaching, or choir and orchestra seminars. One last thing, we are still in need of a vehicle. We are looking for a transit van and feel that God is leading in that direction. Please pray that God will provide the funds. We have enjoyed all the opportunities 2020 brought us and delighted in the people God allowed us to meet. We are looking forward to 2021! Let us know how we can help your church. Contact us at [email protected] for scheduling. In His Song, David & Alyece
Some people refer to Tyler as the "runt" of the group due to his age, but that connotation could mean that he is weak or small. There is nothing farther from the truth when it comes to the passion and fire Tyler displays for his Savior. Take a minute and read his testimony and heart.
"Ministry is not what I expected it to be. As a little boy I watched my preacher, Bro Bobby Roberson, set the stage of life’s drama in faithfulness and strength, and I longed for the day that I too could reach such a feat. But God is teaching me that He does not just want a clean vessel to use, but a broken one. To reach His beginning, God must lead me to the end of myself, and that place is far from any 'lime light.' "My start was rather boring by some aspects, but I am eternally thankful for a tender and gracious start on this journey with Christ. I was saved at age seven, when a faithful teacher and servant of the Lord, led me to Christ. At that moment everything was different. It was an ignitiation of a burning desire to serve my Saviour and tell others of His greatest gift. "God called me to preach at a Christian camp when I was thirteen. Oh how God did a work in my heart through that place in the following summers. So many decisions made; so many wills broken. There was much yet to learn, but I knew that I wanted to be the best pastor I could be; a pastor like my Bro Bobby. "God is often reminding me though that my pastor didn’t have it too easy. In fact his life consisted of many “breakings” that molded a human heart to the will of the Father. God has allowed me to see many things in my short life but every one of them are essential lessons to tests to come. Right now, He has privileged me with one of the highest offices a man could attain; a husband and a father. Kathryn is God’s greatest gift to me outside of salvation, and I could not pass many of these “tests” without her. She brings stability when my knees are feeble and tenderness when I am hurting. She is a constant flow of God’s grace on me and an emblem of His undying love. Our precious daughter Lillian is the personification of my joy and brings light to every area of life. She has given me a fresh perspective on the responsibilities of my office and has melted this heart of mine. "Although life has not been easy or what we have expected, my prayer is that we will not despise God’s preparing work. It is in the mundane and brokenness that God is doing something in my family, and though we don’t know what our future will be, but we are okay with that. Our future is not our goal, God is, and we just want to walk His way. "God has privileged me in this waiting time to preach and sing with our family, and oh how joyful it has been. He has also placed an urge in my soul at this time to write. I write every week for a blog Biblical Manhood (biblicalmanhood333.com) and am currently working on my second book Restless: Finding Rest in A Restless World. "Although waiting to pastor has been hard, I do not care. Who am I to place my ideals on a God Who can see my future? The words of Andrew Murray have rung often in my mind, 'I am here, by God’s appointment, in his keeping, under his training, for his time.'" At the final conclusion of virtually meeting His Song, we ask that you continue to pray for us as God leads. We know without a shadow of doubt, that we are in the center of God's current will. We have thoroughly enjoyed traveling these past few months and are looking forward to when we can minister more often. Thank you for your continued support, we trust that you and yours are healthy. In His Song, David & Alyece Averbeck She may be the "little sister" of the crew, but she is definitely not little in faith! We hope you enjoy her testimony.
"I came to know Christ as my Savior at the age of nine, the day after Christmas. I grew up in a Christian home and had seemingly always “known” how to get saved, but I finally got it settled that Sunday night after church. And thus began my pursuit of Christ and with Christ. "I’m not much of an avid dreamer. I don’t plan long term specifics in my head. I’m much like my dad in the way, I just kind of put one foot in front of the other and take the next step. But I do have desires. For as long as I can remember, I’ve known my life’s calling. When asked, 'What do you want to be when you grow up?' I only ever remember one, two-part answer. I wanted to be an English teacher and work with the youth in my church alongside my husband. Ironically, these are exactly what my mom did, and I loved the life we lived! "After graduating from Bible college with my degree in teaching English, I returned home to work alongside my parents in the youth ministry and to teach at the school where I’d grown up. For nearly seven years I lived my life’s dream! Christ had led me each step of the way, and I remember thinking at twenty-four—'Wait, I can’t already have it all, can I?' "A couple years later, God gave me the rest of my dreams—my husband. Life was complete and full!! Tyler and I worked in the youth ministry, served at our camp, and worked among the high school students teaching in various fields. It was truly amazing! An absolute dream. "As I stepped into my sixth year of teaching, I knew this one would be different. I was almost seven months pregnant and due early November. The plan was to teach until Lilly was born and then return part time in January. I didn’t have peace to walk away from it all just yet. "However, after spending nine days in the NICU with our little girl, the Lord began to change my dreams. Becoming a mother was not something I had ever envisioned, and I had no idea how it would completely change my world. Tyler and I made the difficult decision for me to resign my teaching position. "Somewhere during the midst of all these life changes, the Lord also moved us from working with the youth to traveling with His Song and ministering to different churches. We have been able to visit many churches we’d become acquainted with through years of camp ministry as well as some new ones. Singing has also been a passion of mine, and I am blessed to be able to minister alongside some incredibly gifted people who also happen to be called FAMILY. "I said all of that to illustrate this point: at salvation, my pursuit of Christ began. These twenty years later, He hasn’t stopped leading every step of the way. He has graciously shown me His desires for my life. He doesn’t seem to work in long term specific plans either. I would not have unfolded this last year the way He chose to. But, I wouldn’t change it. His ways are higher. His plans are better. And His future is brighter than anything I can think or imagine! "Thank you for allowing us as a family ministry to share with you what God has given to us. May He always be able to speak through us!" We are so proud and privileged to watch Kathryn and Tyler as they mature into the amazing Christians God has called them to be. They are fierce when it comes to their relationships with God, and you cannot find a better couple. Thank you, Kathryn, for sharing your heart! In His Song, David & Alyece ***Next week: Tyler's Story*** If we could think of one word for this amazing lady that you will read from today, without question, the word would be: PASSION. Passion for God, her family, her ministry, and anyone else God sends into her path. She is such a testimony for Him.
She and Tim have been married for over thirty-four years, and together have given their lives to further God's kingdom. Take a minute to read about her journey. "Dreams constantly change, though they ever remain the same. "As a young child, even before I was saved, I remember going to bed many a night wishing there was a way I could show everyone how much I loved God. This is ironic because our family was not faithful to church, nor was my dad a Christian (please pray for his salvation). As I got a little older, I dreamed of being on a stage singing and acting. Later, as a teenager, I not only gave my heart to Christ but also my dreams. "After graduating from a Christian university, I began teaching at a Christian school and helping in the ministries at the church, including the summer camp. It was in these places God began fulfilling my dreams through Him. For over forty years, God has enabled me to share so much of His love with adults, students, campers, and camp staff. "The platform that I had dreamed of earlier was for self, but God turned it to be for Him. Through the past years the Lord has allowed me to minister in song, speak at ladies meetings, teach literature and apply Biblical truths, write and direct plays for the school and church, work with the teens, and tell missionary or Bible stories to junior aged kids at camp. This is more than I could have ever dreamed of! "There’s one last dream I haven’t mentioned. Because I grew up in such a dysfunctional home, I desperately wanted to have a godly home and serve with my family. And that’s what our family has experienced for thirty plus years. Although our family’s ministries have changed, my dreams have not. For many years it has been a desire of mine for our family to travel and minister to churches, and God has brought that to fruition. He just continues to fulfill my dreams above and beyond anything I could ever imagine. "Has my life always been one dream after another being fulfilled? Not necessarily. There have been times of heartache, wrong decisions, disappointment, depression, and seemingly unanswered prayers. Yet, God has used each situation to give our family yet more opportunities to tell others of the love and faithfulness of God. "Let me encourage each one, no matter your age, to give God your dreams, then stand back and watch Him fulfill them. Psalm 37:4 says, “Delight thyself also in the Lord; and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart.” "Dreams don’t really change; they just get better." What a beautiful challenge to let go, and let God. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to stop by. May God continue to bless you as you allow Him to do so. In His Song, David & Alyece ***Next week-Tyler Robertson's story*** Because we are endeavoring in a new aspect of ministry (i.e. traveling as His Song Ministry), we thought that our readers deserved an introduction to all of our members. For the next several weeks, we would like the chance for you to meet the other four members of our traveling team.
Today is Tim Hicks' story. "To say that I hate change would be an understatement. "I have lived a pretty normal, uneventful life, just putting one foot in front of the other and trying to take advantage of whatever the Lord put in my path. I was privileged to grow up in a Christian home and saved at the age of fifteen. After attending college, I felt God was leading me back to the ministry that had poured so much into me. For the last forty years, I had served in a variety of ways, such as: choir leader, youth pastor, camp director, teacher, coach, and athletic director. But God. You know, those two little words pack a big punch, don't they? But God has brought change into my (our) lives in recent months. "Although my passion for all of these areas has not subsided, there is an excitement as God changes my focus. A dream of mine had been to be able to travel with my family (my wife, two daughters, their husbands, and grandchildren) to sing together, preach, and be a help to other churches. I honestly thought that would be only a dream. "Yet the time has finally come that God is letting me see the fulfillment of that dream in allowing us to organize His Song Ministry. Along with my other daughter Kathryn and son-in-law Tyler Robertson, we are able to preach, teach, sing, and minister in any way that God allows. I get to do everything that I had dreamed of doing. I often quote the Apostle John from his third epistle, 'I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.' And I often add that God is gracious to allow my wife and I to serve right along with our adult children and their families. It is one of my greatest blessings. "In this 'changing' of ministry, our passion is to try to be a blessing to churches and to share the gospel in music and word. Doors are beginning to open up, and we covet your prayers." May we let you in on a little truth, we know Pops (Tim), as we affectionately call him, better than most, and what you see is what you get. He is a faithful man of integrity, and we are privileged to serve along with him. In His Song, David & Alyece ***Next week-Jamie Hicks' story*** I (Alyece) am a "researcher" by nature. I find a subject or person and research it to death. Generally, before I purchase from a company or attach my name to anything, I want to know the history behind how it came to be and its objective. In case any of you are like I, let me take a minute to educate you on His Song: What's its purpose? What is it exactly that we do? Why His Song?
While David and I were working in a ministry, God began to burden our hearts for ministries around the world who did not have the musical ability in their churches that we had. Why should smaller or less musically-gifted churches be hindered because music can be hard to find? We talked nonstop and dreamed for hours how we could serve ministries of any size and ability. I admit, some of our music is difficult. David's mind sometimes goes into musical genius mode, and he wishes to write the most difficult song and orchestration possible. Any of our more difficult pieces are perfect for sacred competitions or college choirs and ensembles. We have had several schools and colleges use these for that purpose. But the majority of our music is made for the "average" church. We have soundtracks if a church wishes to have the full orchestral feel or orchestration available. We have serviced both to churches. Not every church has a piano player that reads music well; any song also has a piano track available upon request. We have vocal solo music, instrumental and piano music that can be used for specials or offertories. We have audio CDs (vocal and instrumental) that we have recorded, also available on the website. The songs that we have written are words that God has laid on our hearts, whether through experience, Bible study, or a specific request from a church, We strive to make our music God-honoring and not fit a specific style. We believe what the Bible says in Ephesians 4:19, "Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;" We have verses and passages put to music so Scripture is memorable (psalms), hymns that have been rearranged to emphasize the familiar words (hymns), and testimonial songs in praise for what He has done (spiritual songs). Besides writing music and making it available, what else do we do? As of 2020, we began traveling, not to promote His Song, but to minister to churches. But specifically in the day to day? We do a variety of projects. Our desire has always been to reach the individual church's music needs and make them a reality. We have been hired to create soundtracks for churches-orchestral or piano. We do the soundtracks for college CDs. We write out music for other people who do not have the capability or software to do so, then in return, they can sell it. We do not publish someone else's music. We make it possible for anyone to self-publish. We write sheet music for songs without music. We also give private lessons (voice or instrumental) in our home or virtually. What it all comes down to is a desire to help music ministries however and whenever we can; we exist to serve the local church and its individual musicians. When choosing a name for our ministry, David was adamant that its name be His Song. He wanted something that deflected the praise from us and sent it to God. It is a constant reminder every time we sign "In His Song" that we do not do any of this ourselves, but rather through God's grace. As always, thank you so much for entrusting us with your music needs. It is amazing that God allows us to help Christian colleges, church plants, local churches, or just faithful servants that are doing their best for their own churches. We love seeing and being a small part of what God is doing around the world! We never take for granted the opportunities that God sends our way, and we look forward to helping many more ministries this year! In His Song, David & Alyece P.S. We ask that you take a minute and browse the rest of our website. Music has always played an important part of my life. From the time I was three until even now, I have sung in church, competition, school chapels, or whatever capacity I could. I just never imagined that God would use me and my love for music in the way He does now.
As a preteen, I remember writing a husband qualification list – it had WAY too many “needs” on it, and I chuckle at it now. But even at that tender age, a husband with a passion for God and music were the top two things. I believe God answered exceedingly above on that one! David and I were both saved at young ages, surrendered to God’s calling as young teenagers, and decided on Bible college as older teenagers. It is still hard for me to wrap my brain around a Southern girl and California boy getting together, but God wove a beautiful story in each of our lives that led us to one another. The first time I ever saw David, my dad was preaching in chapel at the college David was attending; I was a senior in high school viewing the school, and David happened to sing that day. I thought he was awful! But despite his “lacking” musical ability, God did lead me to the same college and later to David. As an eighteen year old, who knew everything and needed no one, I did not go to college to find a husband, if there was one out there, he could find me and join in on my plans. God would work it out; He would meld our lives and careers together. After David and I were married, for two years that is exactly how it was. But then God decided His ways were higher and better; He chose to give us a child during my third year of teaching, and now I had a choice to make. Though I did it unwillingly, I knew for us God wanted me to be home with our new son. It was one of the hardest times in my life! To give up all of my dreams to now support my husband’s dream-what? I never signed-up for that! He was supposed to follow me, remember? I never wanted a music ministry much less run one! But God, who makes all things beautiful in His time, molded my heart to what He had for my life and aligned it with my husband's. Now, I cannot imagine our lives without His Song Music Publications (or our beautiful children)! The opportunities that God has given and continues to give are innumerable, and I am so grateful for them! Dreams that I had, but never imagined would come to fruition have because of Him. I am looking forward to how He wants to use His Song. Personally, I want to thank each of you for putting your trust in our ministry. We are truly humbled that God chooses to use our music around the world. Thank you so much! In His Song, David & Alyece P.S. Alyece is also administrator and author at the blog Faith & Womanhood. Check it out at www.faithandwomanhood.com. ***Next week – His Song’s story*** We are amazed that so many of you have never met us, and yet our music has touched you. So for the next couple of weeks on the blog, please allow us to share who we are, what we do, and why we do it.
I (David) began writing music as a teenager. Having felt called in seventh grade to give my life to the ministry of music, I had no idea where that would lead but was all too willing to dive right into my studies of music. At eighteen, I wrote out my first “official” song. Since I had to use one of my dorm-mate’s computers that contained a music writing program, I had a small window of writing time generally between midnight and 3 a.m. I had never used anything like that before, but the learning curve was so worth the thrill and feeling of accomplishment when I could finally sit back and actually hear what I had in my head. I was forever hooked! Music began to flow, and songs were being thrown on paper everywhere: chapel notes, napkins, class outlines, everything contained lyrics, chords, or song ideas. I needed to do something with these songs, but what? I had enjoyed singing a few of my songs as solos in college chapel, but I wanted to put together a large group to sing what I wrote specifically for them. The group had no limits of vocal range or reading abilities; it was every musician’s dream, and I thoroughly enjoyed directing them. By the end of college, I had written (words, music, and often orchestration) over fourteen songs. I assumed God would use this talent in a local ministry and for a specific church. For three very short years, He chose to do exactly that. Once again, God had given me much to work with. The choir and orchestra contained very talented musicians and our relationship was one of growth as they took me under their wings and helped to mold me. Some very outspoken trumpeters reminded me often that my expectations of them were highly unrealistic! I wrote theme choruses, choir openers, and anything that they were willing to play or sing. I have some of my fondest memories with those special people. But God began moving in mine and my wife’s heart about helping other churches have the same opportunities that we had brought to our ministry. In 2013, God led us to begin a new ministry — His Song Music Publications. We were never trained at running a business, and my wife read and researched all that she could to help us startup. We were also new parents to a very handsome three month old! At the same time, I became a band teacher in a local school where I learned much of what I needed to hone my orchestrating and arranging abilities. It was a stretching time, for sure, but God was faithful and led us every step of the way. Over six years later, He continues to faithfully lead. As we yearly grow, our passion remains the same: to provide God-honoring music for ministries everywhere. In His Song, David & Alyece ***Next week: Alyece’s story*** The time has finally come for us to announce some very exciting news! We have been praying about this for years, knew that it would one day happen, and God has given us the green light. Within the past few months, circumstances have pushed us out of our comfort zone, but God has been faithful in His leading. With that being said, we are happy to announce that His Song is now traveling! We cannot believe that God has given us this opportunity to serve Him in a different way and capacity, but we are looking forward to how He will use it.
Along with the two of us, Alyece's parents, sister and her husband are now available to come to your church to sing, preach, teach music to your directors or leaders, speak at your ladies' events, or really in any way that you deem necessary. We would love the opportunity to serve alongside you. If you have any questions about scheduling please contact myself or Alyece. Please pray for us as we take on this new endeavor. And please do not hesitate to contact us about coming to your church, school, or event. In His Song, David & Alyece FAVOR is our word for 2020.
The last six years since God led us to begin His Song have been grueling. So many frustrations and growing pains, as any of you with a business know. And while we view it as more of our ministry and definitely our calling, it is still a business. We still have to pay taxes, we still have to extend of ourselves to keep it going, and we thank you so much for your support and patience in all our ups and downs. But, we feel we are moving into a new season. We believe we are on the brink of something new, something big. And we want you to be a part of it! We ask that you partner this year with us in prayer. Please pray God’s favor on us in 2020. May we look back next January with amazing answers to our prayers! In His Song, David & Alyece |
November 2020
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